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House Points

House Points
  • Red 52
  • Blue 47
  • Green 36
  • Yellow 47


  • Nursery 92.58
  • Reception 93.49
  • Year 1 93.52
  • Year 2 92.31
  • Year 3 95.59
  • Year 4 95.85
  • Year 5 90.99
  • Year 6 95.77

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Rose Lane Primary

Nurture, Inspire, Flourish

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School Council

Our school council provides an opportunity for children to have a voice and understand that their opinions matter.

It also provides a basis for active learning of life skills such as speaking and listening, problem solving and encourages them to voice an opinion and express their feelings about issues.

How it works

At the start of the year, each class is asked for a class representative for the school council. Children can give a short speech to explain why and how they would best represent their class. The class votes and the child is chosen.

The representatives from each class form the school council. The school council meet once a term to discuss issues raised by the children in their classrooms.

The school council discuss these issues and try to come to an agreement of what can be carried to solve these issues.
